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100% OFF) After Effects CC 2017: Make Professional Lower Thirds Titles - Udemy Coupon

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After Effects CC 2017: Make Professional Lower Thirds Titles

Udemy Coupon After Effects CC 2017: Make Professional Lower Thirds Titles (100% OFF)

Professional Lower Thirds Video Titles in After Effects CC. Create Dynamic modern animated graphics name titles in AE

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Original price: $75

Discount: 100% off


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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
1.5 hours on-demand video
1 Article
3 Supplemental Resources
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion

What Will I Learn?

  • Create Professional Lower Thirds Titles In After Effects CC
  • Export alpha channels
  • Create compositions and work with shape, solid and text layers
  • Create dynamic graphics titles using keyframe animation techniques
  • Utilize modern masking techniques
  • Easily reverse intro animation to quickly create the ending animation
  • Create dynamic animating Shape lines for added visual interest


The After Effects CC 2017: Make Professional Lower Thirds Titles Course!

Adding lower thirds titles to an edit will increase the production value of the video, but creating professional looking lower thirds that animate with multiple layers is very difficult to do in programs like Premiere Pro, or other editing programs. Utilizing masking techniques inside Adobe After Effects can create impressive looking, high quality titles that will take your video edits to the next level. You will learn some of the same techniques used in broadcast television commercials and large budget web content.

This course will start off by walking you through the basics of After Effects to bring you up to speed, this will include a quick overview of the various panel windows, as well as instruction on creating a basic lower thirds graphic, to teach you the fundamentals. From there, over several lessons, we'll walk you through how to create 2 additional professional and dynamic looking lower thirds titles, using 2 different methods.
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