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100% OFF) Reiki from ZERO to PRO: Complete Reiki I, II, III ART/Master - Udemy Coupon

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Reiki from ZERO to PRO: Complete Reiki I, II, III ART/Master

Udemy Coupon Reiki from ZERO to PRO: Complete Reiki I, II, III ART/Master (100% OFF)

Reiki I, II, III ART/Master: Learn Original Japanese Reiki, Western Reiki & Chakra Healing Comprehensive Course

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Original price: $200

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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
12.5 hours on-demand video
93 Articles
55 Supplemental Resources
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion

What Will I Learn?
  • Skills to take you from ZERO to PRO with Japanese & Western Reiki I, II, III ART/Master most powerful techniques and tools.
  • Unique tips, teachings and exercises that you won't find in ANY other course, guaranteed.
  • Fun, interactive, and highly effective lessons from my best knowledge and expertise through the years I teach Japanese and Western Reiki.
  • Lifetime access to reference materials, files, exercises, and 1-on-1 experienced Reiki Master Teacher support.
  • Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner - Japanese Reiki 1,2,3 practitioner & Western Reiki I, II, III ART/Master practitioner.
  • As my student, each week you'll be able to receive for lifetime Japanese empowerments (Reiju) - see more details in the description.
  • A deep understanding of WHEN, WHY, and HOW to use the amazing Reiki energy for yourself, others & your pets.
  • Explore the spiritual teachings of the Japanese Reiki, including the mindful way of life.
  • Experiencing Reiki Attunements and the subtle energy flow.
  • Usui's (the Reiki founder) original teachings: meditations, essential and advanced Japanese Reiki techniques.
  • Use Reiki symbols for protecting, clearing negative energy, improving relationships, achieving goals, removing addictions, healing past traumas, healing your past, the future, and sending distant healing.
  • Use actionable tools, strategies and techniques to attune and balance your chakras.
  • Test and identify your blocked chakras and heal them.
  • Enjoy original healing sounds, mantras, brain waves and more Audios and HD videos meditations and sessions.
  • Become a Reiki practitioner and balance your chakra system with the Reiki energy!
  • Be healthier and happier person with clear vision and bright purpose in life.
  • A deeper understanding, acceptance of yourself and a chance to change the direction of your life.
  • Start immediately a balancing and attuning your chakras with step by step simple and clear video presentations on energy healing and greater tools such as meditation and Reiki.


Hi, and Welcome to "Reiki from ZERO to PRO: Complete Reiki I, II, III ART/Master" course, my very best comprehensive and effective course on Reiki. Here are ten reasons why:

1. This online course will teach you Reiki Level I, II, III ART/Master including the two learning styles of Reiki: the Japanese Reiki and the Western Reiki combined. (actually, you learn for each level, two courses as one!).This is why you will learn more than 14 hours of extensive teachings, and this is why I will issue my own certificates (with my Reiki Master Lineage for these two Reiki styles).

2. In the original Japanese Reiki, Reiju is receiving Reiki empowerment each week throughout the life. Reiju is the "Japanese attunement," and it improves your connection to Reiki energy, cleans your chakras and enhances your spiritual development. In this course you will receive the western Reiki attunments, however, as my student, each week you'll be able to receive for lifetime Japanese empowerments (Reiju)!

3. My Reiki I, II, III ART/Master course has a unique way of understanding the complete Reiki system, for Eastern Viewpoints/thinking compared to Western viewpoints/thinking. This is a total revelation, especially in relation to the Symbols and treating people. So it truly gives Reiki the importance it deserves and also provides insights into the spiritual aspects of Reiki that a lot of courses do not.

4. 80% of my students go on to get full-time jobs as Reiki Practitioners. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them. Thousands of students around the world found Reiki - helpful! They've already implemented it, and they are seeing some good results.

5. Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's Reiki world. I constantly update the course with new content, projects, and new sections. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of Reiki training. This course gives you a lifetime access to reference materials, files, exercises, and 1-on-1 experienced Reiki Master Teacher support.

6. This course doesn't waste your time with unnecessary 'fluff' or filler, and instead, it gets right to the point through a concise and straightforward writing style, bright presentations and videos, that do a great job of expressing the practical information in a way that can be applied right after finishing the course.The Reiki area is usually glossed over too quickly without it’s importance being made. However, this Reiki course truly gives Reiki the importance it deserves. This course does not cut any corners. you'll gain a deep understanding of WHEN, WHY, and HOW to use the amazing Reiki energy for yourself, others & your pets. Forget complicated methods, you won't need them after learning this course! I will show you the easiest and fastest way to get emotional therapy done.

7. As your Reiki Master Teacher I'll teach you all the secrets and skills and most powerful techniques and tools to take you from ZERO to PRO. You will receive unique tips, teachings and exercises that you won't find in ANY other course, guaranteed. The course was designed for "beginner friendly" students. However, when you learn this course, you get the best of both worlds. This course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers advanced classes, the most exciting and relevant topics in the Reiki Master class.

8. I have created fun, interactive, and highly effective lessons from my best knowledge and expertise through the years I teach Japanese and Western Reiki. I have created a flexible study course that allows you effectively experience and explore Reiki, even if you have a busy way of life!

9. BONUS SECTION: Chakra Healing Mini-Course: The Chakra system is responsible for your energetic, emotional, physical, psychological, mental and spiritual well-being. This course will show you a comprehensive blueprint for mastering your chakra system and applying a Chakra Reset. Developing your chakra system by mastering original and comprehensive methods to heal, attune and balance your chakras. The "Chakra Reset" section is a powerful journey through your chakras. You will receive powerful lessons which will guide you step by step to experience, heal, balance and attune each chakra of the seven major chakras. I have designed this program to take you through each major chakra one by one. You will indicate each chakra, and then you will get practical tools, techniques, meditations, and tons of scared theachings to create a balanced life in which improves your health and well-being.

10. The course is also very actionable. I believe you'll appreciate my effort to do this course practical, fun and to the point, so you will find in it my best strategies that will help you to get the best results with the least amount of effort and time! This course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Many online courses are just a long series of videos or slides. This course is different. I've incorporated everything I learned in my years of teaching to make this course not only more effective but more engaging.

How to learn the complete Reiki system in a way that fits your lifestyle?

What if there was a faster and easier solution to overcome pain & emotional problems as phobias, anxiety, stress, addictions, food cravings and much more?
What if there was a natural system that can improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life?
Well, now you can! Reiki has been streamlined and made much more efficient.

Reiki - is a fast evolving treatment that works by releasing energy blockages within the energy system that is the source of emotional problems. Reiki system uses the natural healing abilities of the mind and body, providing opportunities to achieve physical and emotional well-being in a faster time.

Reiki practice works with astonishing results! Your Emotional & physical healing is not a problem when you know this simple system.

You'll find it easy to give and receive immediate calming energy. It works that well. Using Reiki should be fun. It can become your "secret" way of communicating with the universal life energy.

I am Yoshi Raz, a Reiki Master Teacher, and I welcome you to the wonderful world of Reiki! I have 20 years of experience in training all Reiki levels.

Lately, Dr. Oz ranked rated Reiki 1 on his list of Ultimate Alternative Secrets during his talk show: "Reiki is one of my favorites, we've been using it for years in the Oz family, and we swear by it."

Would you like to tap into that healing and pure source of Divine energy?

By the end of the course you should be able to

Heal yourself, others & your pets with the Reiki Energy.
Relax, relieve stress and pain.
Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner - Reiki I, II, III ART/Master.
Once you were complete this course successfully, you will receive my original certificates and you can become a Certified Reiki Practitioner - Japanese Reiki Level 1, 2 , 3 (Usui's Original Reiki System - Shoden, Okuden, Shinpiden)) & Western Reiki Level 1, 2, 3/Master (Takata's Style) and Reiki III ART. Note: Recognized certification is only available when completing the program requirements.

As your Reiki Master Teacher, I will give you full authentic training and guidance and “no cut corners” until you become a more powerful and skilled certified Reiki 1,2, 3 Practitioner. I will attune you one on one to the Reiki I, II, III ART/Master Level Energy.

Now you can start a journey of self-discovery and learn the Reiki I, II, III ART/Master Program of healing and self-development. Now your well being, your good health and happiness are at your fingertips!

This course can help you to find more meaning in your life, and to:

1. Master anxiety and control stress.

2. Improve physical health.

3. Develop a healthy relationship to wealth

4. Have more joy and fun.

5. Improve your inner power, self-esteem, and vitality.

6. Creating significant relationships.

7. Improve creativity.

8. Express your truth./div>

9. Improve clarity and intuition.

10. Get inner peace.

The lessons combine the powerful ancient wisdom of Reiki and modern knowledge of the chakra energy system. Now you can heal the energetic level of every aspect of your life: bad relationships, financial problems, creativity blockages, and lack of achieving your goals.

In this course you will learn how to develop powerful spiritual skills, and master original and comprehensive methods, based on:

Energy Healing
Sound Healing
Color Healing
Crystal Healing
Basic Yoga
Qi Gong
And much, much more tools to understand, attune and balance your chakra system.
These Eastern and Western methods and tools, will help you to understand, attune and balance your chakra system and each chakra In 5-20 Min a day!

In the Chakra Reset section, I will share with you some of my best hacks for attuning and healing each chakra for 5-20 minutes a day. This is the reason that my video presentations and my audio files are built for about 5-20 min long. If you are busy, I have created this course for you.

The course includes short and simple but powerful tools to give you the best experience and the same time the complete knowledge and expertise.

Pay attention: This course is continually updated with bonus material. From time to time, I will post bonus videos, new presentations, lectures, and resources, so make sure that you stay tuned for my updates.

Enjoy the Reiki Reiki I, II, III ART/Master course;

I'm very excited to see you inside, Let's start the adventure!

Thank You, Yoshi

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