Absolute Beginners Introduction to web development
Ditulis pada: January 27, 2019
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Absolute Beginners Introduction to web development, Learn practical hands-on web development with : HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Created by Bluelime Learning Solutions
What you'll learn
- Install and use text editors
- Install multiple web browsers to test applications
- Plan and design a web project
- Create a project directory
- Understand basic anatomy of an HTML Element
- Understand basic structure of an HTML document
- Create basic HTML document structure
- Understand and use HTML Attributes
- Markup Texts
- Create links on web pages
- Use comments in your code
- Write and understand CSS Ruleset
- Apply CSS in various ways
- Use CSS Base Selectors
- Understand CSS Box Model
- Change the background color of HTML document
- Understand and use CSS Margin and Padding properties
- Understand and use CSS Fonts and display properties
- Apply JavaScript in various ways
- Understand and create JavaScript Variables
- Understand and create JavaScript Arrays
- Understand and use various JavaScript data types
- Understand and use various types of JavaScript Operators
- Understand JavaScript Operator precedence
- Understand and use JavaScript Conditional statements
- Understand and create JavaScript functions
- Understand and use JavaScript Events
- Build a digital calculator
- Build an analogue clock
- Build a todo list web app
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