Complete Web Development Course: HTML, Vue.js, PHP, MySQL
Ditulis pada: January 22, 2019
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Complete Web Development Course: HTML, Vue.js, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Responsive Web Page, VueJS, AJAX, PHP, CLI, NPM, Babel, Webpack, MySQL, OOP, Express.js
Created by OnlyKiosk Tech
What you'll learn
- Develop the ability of solving problems by yourself
- Master HTML, CSS, JS, and Vue.js
- Create 12+ Front-end APPs using HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and Vue.js
- Create 12+ Back-end APPs using PHP and MySQL
- Create responsive and retina-ready web pages
- Operate MySQL database
- Master advanced MySQL operation such as transaction, prepared statement, pagination, etc.
- Create a memebership system
- Master image-processing skills like CAPTCHA, thumbnail, watermark and image cropper
- Master Command Line Instrument
- Master NPM
- Master Babel
- Master Webpack
- Being able to create modern front-end apps using single-file components
- Master Vue