GraphQL with Angular & Apollo - The Full-stack Guide
Ditulis pada: January 11, 2019
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GraphQL with Angular & Apollo - The Full-stack Guide, Learn to build GraphQL-based full-stack web applications with Node JS, Express, MongoDB, Apollo, Angular, and Bootstrap!
Created by Sebastian Eschweiler
What you'll learn
- Create your own, awesome full-stack GraphQL application with Angular, Node JS, and Apollo
- Implement a GraphQL server with Node JS, Express and Apollo Server
- Set up a multi-component Angular web application which makes use of a GraphQL backend
- Understand how to apply GraphQL Queries and Mutations from scratch
- Understand how to include and use Bootstrap 4 in your Angular web application
- Manage your MongoDB database instance with Robo 3T
- Use GraphiQL web interface to test your GraphQL server endpoint
- Understand the Apollo GraphQL library