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ASP.Net MVC Quick Start: a real-world resume-builder for you

ASP.Net MVC Quick Start: a real-world resume-builder for you

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ASP.Net MVC Quick Start: a real-world resume-builder for you, Build your own public-facing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) website w/MVC and Entity Framework in a weekend.
Created by Brian Gorman
What you'll learn
  • Understand the major pieces of the Microsoft ASP.Net Framework
  • Have a public-facing website with authorization, authentication, and real-world value to enhance your resume/electronic portfolio
  • Understand how to use the code-first approach to generating a database using Entity Framework
  • Discuss the differences between Models, Views, and Controllers
  • Have the tools to setup and host a basic CRUD Web Application online
  • Have a basic understanding of working with Git, BitBucket, and AppHarbor

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