Full Stack Project: Spring Boot 2.0, ReactJS, Redux
Ditulis pada: August 10, 2019
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Full Stack Project: Spring Boot 2.0, ReactJS, Redux, Build a Personal Project Management Tool from scratch
Created by Agile Intelligence
What you'll learn
- Create a RESTful API with Spring boot
- Secure a RESTful API with Spring Security and JWT web token
- Create a web application with React
- Consume a RESTful API with React/Redux
- Deploy to Heroku
- Practical knowledge of the Java language syntax
- Previous hands on experience with basic CRUD operations using the Spring framework, JPA, MySQL
- Hands on experience developing and running Spring CRUD applications with one of the following IDE's: STS, IntelliJ, Eclipse
- Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (ES6 Syntax is important)
- Have local environment set up for Spring Framework - Spring boot development (Java 8, Maven, MySQL, MySQL Workbench)