Node.js Design Patterns
Ditulis pada: March 28, 2019
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Node.js Design Patterns, Write efficient and resilient Node.js applications using industry-standard software design patterns
Created by Packt Publishing
What you'll learn
- Understand the importance of learning and using industry-standard design patterns when writing Node .js apps
- Learn more about core creational design patterns such as Singletons, Factory, and Builder patterns
- Efficiently avoid callback hell and implement asynchronous behavior using Promises, Async/Await, and Generators
- Develop a deeper understanding of the module system in Node .js and to implement patterns such as dependency injection
- Get an insight into structural design patterns such as Proxy, Adapter, Decorator, and others that can help you create systematic, efficient relationships between objects and entities
- Reuse well-known techniques to solve common design and coding issues
- Understand the behavioral design patterns such as Strategy, Observers, Middleware, and even the Publisher-Subscriber pattern to craft efficient communication patterns between objects, processes, and even applications