Fullstack Flask and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects
Ditulis pada: August 25, 2019
Fullstack Flask and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects, Learn How To Build Real World Applications Using Flask, Python, HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, And JavaScript
Created by Ebenezer Ogbu
English [Auto-generated]
What you'll learn
Learn how web applications work
- Learn how Flask Implements web applications
- Understand HTML and how to use it to create mark-ups for web pages
- Understand CSS and how to use it to style web pages
- Understand Sass and how to use it to write styles programmatically
- Understand JavaScript and how to use to add interactions to web applications
- Understand Python and how to use to build web applications on to of Flask Framework
- Learn how to analyse a customer’s problem and generate the software requirements for the project
- Learn how to structure a large-scale project
- Learn how to implement the all the functionalities of a complete eCommerce application which include: Product catalogue, Shopping Cart, Order and Checkout, Customer Management