Create Your Laravel Hotel App with Translations 4 Languages
Ditulis pada: January 05, 2020

Create Your Laravel Hotel App with Translations 4 Languages, In this course we will Learn FrameWork Laravel 6 From the beginning to the end We will work with it using Laravel App
- Created by MillionCourses Learning Solutions
- English
- English [Auto-generated]
What you'll learn
- How to use Laravel Tinker - Command line program to play around with Laravel without persisting data
- You will learn about Laravel ORM (Object Relational Mapper) and Raw SQL queries. Database stuff :)
- Smart routing (Define your routes only once, no matter how many languages you use)
- You will learn What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization in programing
- You will learn What is the way to create Laravel app Native
- You will learn how to create and use Controllers and what they are
- You will learn to download third party libraries to add to Laravel
- How to create migrations and what they are with one click
- You will learn Tinypng Smart PNG and JPEG compression
- How To Create a data structure is a data organization
- You will learn to how to make laravel collective Form
- You will learn how to create Views an what they are
- How To Create Application programming interface
- You will learn to use the templating engine Blade
- Create your own hotel App with four languages
- You will learn about Middleware and security
- Learn to build applications using laravel 6
- To install Laravel using Windows and MAC
- You will learn how to use routes laravel 6
- You will learn how to install laravel 6
- You will learn how to install a cmder
- You will learn about sending emails
- You will learn how use Laravel 6
- How to connect and use Databases
- You will learn Packages installation
- You will learn HTML Share Buttons
- You will learn mailchimp Packages
- How To Create Newsletter in Laravel 6
- You will learn how use PHP 7
- You will learn to upload files
- It’s easy to get started :)
- Translate any script to more than four languages
- Translate Script English Spanish German Arabic
- Translate Script English in Laravel 6
- Translate Script Spanish in Laravel 6
- Translate Script German in Laravel 6
- Translate Script Arabic in Laravel 6
- How To use Easy localization for Laravel
- How To Use Laravel Localization
- How To Use mcamara/laravel-localization
- Detect language from browser
- Smart redirects (Save locale in session/cookie)
- Translatable Routes
- Supports caching & testing
- Option to hide default locale in url
- Many snippets and helpers (like language selector)