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Bootstrap 4: Build Responsive One Page Website From Scratch

Bootstrap 4: Build Responsive One Page Website From Scratch
Bootstrap 4: Build Responsive One Page Website From Scratch, Learn to code one-page responsive website with the latest Bootstrap
  • NEW
  • Created by Md Shahriar Mobarak
  • English
  • English [Auto-generated]


Create your own one-page responsive website with Bootstrap 4 from scratch.

I’ve designed the website in such a way that you'll face no problem at all while coding it.

The website is divided into small parts. As Bootstrap is one of the most popular responsive web frameworks out there, I’ve decided to make this project with Bootstrap 4.

Some major parts of the website are navigation, home slider, about us, services, skills, portfolio, team, testimonials, client logos, contact us & footer. Once you get the idea of coding different sections, you'll be able to do many more complex web projects in the future.

Different type of sliders, animation effects, circle progress bar - you can get it all in this project.

What you’ll be getting with this course,

48 HD quality video content explaining everything step by step

All the HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript codes used to make this project

Even if you have no prior knowledge of Bootstrap 4, you don’t need to worry at all. After the completion of this project, you will have an understanding of,

Bootstrap 4

Responsive web design

The grid system of Bootstrap

Standard coding practices

One-page website


Quickly learn HTML5 and CSS3 + Bootstrap - the basics of Web Development - to design your own responsive websites.

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