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Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, FlexBox, Grid, Animations

Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, FlexBox, Grid, Animations
Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, FlexBox, Grid, Animations, Create your own CSS Framework with reusable components using SASS. Advanced & Modern CSS Flexbox, Grid & Animations
  • NEW
  • Created by Norbert B. Menyhart
  • English
  • English [Auto-generated]


Got your basics done? html hello world, style  color red, good, it's time to create amazing web sites. We are going to start up slowly and create a simple landing page, then we will go through modern CSS technology like CSS flexbox, CSS Grid, animations, transition, then start creating our own reusable sass components and apply then trough classes in our own website templates.

Who is this course for:

NOT for Absolute Beginners!

Beginner CSS developers who want to up there CSS game.

CSS developers who want to have a deeper understanding on how CSS Works.

Freelancers who want to have basic Web-page Templates for client presentations.

CSS developers who want to expand their tool-set to animations, Flexbox, CSS Grid, Sass, and much more.

Front-end developers who want to finally understand how CSS works behind the scenes.

In general: anyone who wants to truly master CSS!

In a nutshell, this course is for those of you who got your basics done in HTML,CSS and want to go to the next level.

What is the next level?

Now we get in to what YOU actually will learn in this course:

From Beginner to Advance CSS Web Pages Structuring.

Using Pseudo Elements and Classes.

Flexbox layouts.

Grid layouts

CSS Transitions

CSS Animations with @keyframes

Advanced Responsive Design: media queries @media, em and rem units, etc.

Using Variables in CSS.

Complete SASS technology and SCSS to CSS compiler.

SASS Syntax

SASS Variables

SASS Scope

SASS Shadowing

SASS Data Types: Numbers, String, Colors, Lists, Maps, Boolean and Null.

SASS Operators

SASS Functions

SASS Mixin

SASS Flow Control with: @if,  @else @if, @else, @each, @for, @while.

Creating Reusable Variables Components.

Creating Reusable Typography Components.

Creating Reusable Buttons Components.

Creating Reusable Cards Components.

Creating Reusable Navigation Components.

Creating Reusable Form Components.

Why SASS ?

If your CSS to cluttered up!? And You want to create some clarity in your Project. Then You need to get more organized in order to become a more efficient Developer !

The best way to get organized and up your productivity is to slice everything up in to easy to control pieces.


The main Focus of this Course is to Reverse Engineer the creation process, thus resulting in a more deeper understanding of CSS by using SASS Structure of  Style-sheets named Partials. Partials will help you separate your design in to small and ease to manage peaces!

You will learn complex CSS Animations and Transitions, advanced responsive design techniques, Flexbox layouts, CSS Grid ,Sass, CSS architecture, fundamental CSS concepts, and so much more.

After finishing this course you will have a profound understanding of :


CSS Grid



Sass and Scss

Responsive webdesign

Your Own CSS Framework with reusable Components

Multiple Web-page Templates.

Your Own Portfolio Website.

This Course contains:

• Lifetime access to 20+ hours of HD quality videos. No monthly subscription.

• Downloadable assets, starter code  for each project;

• All videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection!

• Friendly and fast support in the course Q&A whenever you have questions or get stuck;

• English closed captions .

Just one more thing!

What is the most important thing in life?

If your answer was time then you are right. Either it's time whit you Family, your Spouse, your Friends, time is of essence. How can we get more time? We can't. :(

Time is NOT recyclable! Wants it's gone it's gone forever.

What we can do is save time.

So have can we save time?

By getting more efficient, how do we get more efficient, we set up systems that work for us.

If I could compress this course in to one word it would be efficiency.

My Name in :

Menyhart B. Norbert and  I would love to welcome you as a new student in my course. I'm sure you're gonna love it!

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